dimarts, 20 d’agost del 2013

10 Fat Truths

  • I know I'm fat. Not chubby, or big. But FAT. That's it, three letters. It's an adjective, not a life sentence. I am also short, dark-haired and freckled. My front teeth are slightly bigger than they ought to be, which might make me look like a rodent in some pictures. Don't worry, I have mirrors at home. You don't have to tip toe around the subject like a ballerina. I don't like it when you pay that much attention to a tag on my shirt, I'm still the same I would be if that number on the scale was lower. Please don't treat me any different, I pay the same taxes thin people pay. 
  • No, you're not just saying it because you're worried about my health. If you were worried about people's health you'd give the same crap to smokers, underweight people, girls wearing high heels and social drinkers. If you were worried about my health you wouldn't tell me to suck it up when cigarette smoke triggers my asthma. If you were worried about my health you wouldn't be looking at the size of my jeans, but at my blood test results -which probably happen to be better than yours. The only reason you criticize my figure is (in 99'999% of cases) because you don't like it. Because you would prefer my waist to be thinner for your viewing pleasure. Because you loathe to think that you might one day look like me. Because I bother you, my body bothers you and my happiness bothers you. Because how dare I be happy AND fat? Face it, you're as superficial as everyone else, despite your claimed veganism and socialist meetings while keeping your I-phone in silent mode.
  • Yeah, I need a second portion of that. Or not. But in any case, it's none of your business. Sometimes I eat more, sometimes I eat less. Sometimes I get cravings, and sometimes I crave a bowl of fresh salad. Yeah, I usually crave jelly beans more often, but who doesn't? Are you telling me thin people don't like tasty food? Because most thin people I know happen to eat tastier food than I do -simply because they want to. And it's okay. I don't have a problem with what thin people eat, so why should thin people have a problem with what I eat? When you're paying, you can complain. Until then, zip it.
  • I do not have a 'pretty face'. I am pretty. I never heard anyone brag about how pretty their elbows were. Back-handed compliments are your way of dealing with the fact I am fat and nevertheless, still human and deserving of love and affection. You would never tell a thin girl she has a pretty face. Like, yeah, you have a pretty face, but your metacarpus is just gorgeous. Who does that? Are you emotionally impaired? Pay a shrink, do not expect me to work on that for free. I'm not your punching bag.
  • Errrr, no. Fat people are not jollier than average. As a matter of fact, we are more inclined to suffer from depression. Most fat people I know have self-loathing feelings and a poor self-esteem -and this includes me. The battle for self-respect is arduous and victory is rare. Just because the fat girl at the counter smiles at every costumer doesn't mean she doesn't spend her nights crying or shoving her fingers down her throat. And yeah, this happens. It's not playing the victim, it's not fantasy. Fat people have eating disorders too.
  • My boyfriend is not a chubby chaser. He's not a sexual deviant with a secret fetish. I have met people like that, and he is not one of them. Actually, I'm the biggest girl he's ever been with. His previous partners were thin, and yes, when we started dating he was made fun of. He's not particularly attracted to the thickness of my thighs or the circumference of my belly. He loves me for who I am, regardless of my weight. If I lose weight, he will love me anyway. To be honest, he's always had a thing for tall, blonde, German-typed girls. And he's still with me. So, obviously, our relationship did not sprout from a physical fetish. I am loved as a woman, not a body. And yeah, he loves my belly. And everything else.
  • I LOVE TAKING CARE OF MYSELF. I like the elliptical machine. Actually, I want to buy one for myself. I like exercise. I like walking. I like feeling good with myself. I like dressing up and playing with my hair and doing my make up, and mind you, I'm pretty good with that. I like to wear dresses, and short skirts. I like to show off my boobs. They're fucking awesome, why shouldn't I? I like racy lingerie. I like cute shoes. I love doing my nails, and I absolutely love fashion, even though it is not accessible for people my size. But maybe one day it will be. And when that day comes, I can assure you my style will be neater than yours.
  • I do not hate thin people. Specifically, girls. What I do hate, is stupid people. Specifically, girls. It makes me angry when I see a girl walking like an uncoordinated horse, with a huge bag hanging from her elbow and playing with her smartphone. It makes me angry when I have to move because, otherwise, she'll crash against me. It makes me angry when they sit on the bus and place all of their crap in the seat next to them and don't let elderly people sit down. It makes me angry when they give the stink eye to another girl. It makes me fucking rabid when they use their boyfriends as giant coat hangers. Why is it that whenever I criticize a fat girl I'm always right but when I do the same towards a thin girl I must be jealous? Idiots come in all shapes and sizes, my friends. 
  • Uh, yeah. I have sex. I've had sex. Many times. And not with drunk or blind guys. Some were ugly, some were short, some were tall, some where attractive and some were mean. I did not wait until five a.m so some poor soul would take me as a last resort. Yes, some of those men were pricks who would have died of embarrassment had someone seen them with me. These people exist and they are everywhere. But that's not my fucking problem. Thin girls also find pricks in their lives.  Some of us -women- are fortunate enough to find a partner who will love us and respect us -regardless of our and their appearance. 
  • I'm sorry if you find my boyfriend attractive, but he's not available. He's not waiting for your size 0 ass to wiggle in front of him to abandon me. He's been with thin girls, he sees thin girls every day. And he's with me. Deal with it. Yeah, he does prefer his fat girlfriend than your skinny bitchiness. Maybe if you ate more carbohydrates somebody would love you as well.

2 comentaris:

  1. He trobat el teu bloc a través de vayaface i m'estàs matant de riure! Just saying! Especialment la supremacia del Power Metal sobre el reggaeton jajajajaja
